This shrine of Goddess Sarala of Jhankada is one of the most spiritually elevated expression of Shaktism from time immemorial. The heavenly abode of the Goddess is existent in the village of Sarola (Kanakapur) of Jagatsinghpur district, located in the eastern coast of India. It is believed that, the Goddess Sarala is a synthesis of divine figure of Durga and Saraswati.
Three idols of Goddess are there in the sanctum sanctorum of the main temple. The main idol, carved out of stone is of eight-armed keeping right feet on the lion in Mahisha Mardini posture. As per the main priest (Puja panda), this idol of Goddess is stationary (Achalanti Bigraha) and she holds Sword (Khadga), Trident (Trishul), Manuscript (Pustak) and Lute (Beena) in her right hands and Disk (pattisha), Bow (Karmika), Bell (Ghanta) and the head of Buffalo Demon (Mahishasura) left hands.The second idol of Maa is four armed and the third idol is of two armed made out of eight precious metals (Astadhatu). These idols of Maa are taken out of temple in different ceremonial occasions and known as movable idols (Chalanti Bigraha).
The Goddess otherwise known as ‘Jhankad Basini Sarada’ or ‘Maa’ is worshipped in most of the houses of the local districts as well as in the state. The Culture of the deity result of the amalgamation of three principal Hindu cults Vedic, Tantrik and Vaishnavite. This place is one among the eight most famous Shakta shrines of Orissa. |